Uses: Helps burn fat, eliminate excess fat, regulate the digestive system. Reduces size and waistline, reduces postpartum stretch marks and does not produce rebound. It is an all-natural formula that helps you stay regular, keep your metabolism fired up even at night and helps detoxify and eliminate bloating.
Ingredients: Tea based on ginger, spirulina, seaweed, turmeric, bitter orange, guarana and pineapple, Added with artichoke heart.
Mode of use: 1 bag of Tea without Kilos every night.
Contraindications: Store at room temperature, dispose of empty container in the trash.
Usos: Ayuda a quemar grasa, eliminar el exceso de grasa, regular el sistema digestivo. Reduce talla y cintura, reduce estrías posparto y no produce rebote. Es una fórmula completamente natural que lo ayuda a mantenerse regular, mantener su metabolismo encendido incluso por la noche y ayudar a desintoxicar y eliminar la hinchazón.
Ingredientes: Té a base de jengibre, espirulina, algas marinas, cúrcuma, naranjo amargo, guaraná y piña, Adicionado con corazón de alcachofa.
Modo de uso: 1 bolsa de Tea sin Kilos cada noche.
Contraindicaciones: Conservese a temperatura ambiente, deposite el envase vacio en la basura.