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Capsico Guadalupano Porous Patch/ Parche Poroso Guadalupano de Capsico

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Uses: If you suffer from muscle contractures with neck and back pain the patches are a good option to treat muscle pain and stiffness. The guadalupano porous patch is designed for temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with back pain, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains. 

Ingredients: Active Ingredients: Capsaicin (0.15%). Inactive Ingredients: Natural Rubber, Pine Resin, Zinc Oxide, Adeps Lanae Depuratus, Bee Wax, Tartrazine, Brilliant Blue FCF, Erythrosine QS.

How to apply: Before applying the patch, clean and dry the affected area completely and Peel off the paper cover from the patch and place the sticky part on the affected area.

Warnings and Precautions: If you have hypersensitivity to the product or negative side effects, please discontinue consumption immediately and consult your doctor.

Porous Capsicum Plaster Guadalupano (Our Lady of Guadalupe). For the temporary relief of minor aches and pains of muscles and joints associated with simple backache, arthritis, strains, bruises, and sprains.

Porous Guadalupano Capsic Patch. For the temporary relief of minor muscle and joint aches and pains associated with back pain, arthritis, strains, bruises and sprains.


Usos: Si sufres contracturas musculares con dolor en cuello y espalda los parches son una buena opción para tratar el dolor y la rigidez muscular. El parche poroso guadalupano está diseñado para el alivio temporal de molestias y dolores menores de músculos y articulaciones asociados con dolor de espalda, artritis, torceduras, moretones y esguinces. 

Ingredientes: Ingredientes activos: Capsaicina (0,15%). Ingredientes inactivos: caucho natural, resina de pino, óxido de zinc, Adeps Lanae Depuratus, cera de abeja, tartrazina, azul brillante FCF, eritrosina QS.

Modo de aplicación: Antes de aplicar el parche limpie y seca completamente la zona afectada y Desprenda la cubierta del papel del parche y coloque la parte adhesiva sobre el área afectada

Contraindicaciones:  Si presenta hipersensibilidad al producto o efectos secundarios negativos por favor suspenda inmediatamente el consumo y consulte con su medico. 

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