Ajo King - Nervios / Nerves
$17.99Uses: Helps irritability, headache, depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, nervousness, tiredness. Ingredients: Garlic, valerian, linden, passionflower, lemon balm, St. John's wort. How to use: Take... -
Ajo King Diabetes
$17.99Uses: Helps with eye infections, body sores, unexplained sleep, excessive fatigue, allergies, kidney problems and bitter mouth. Ingredients: Garlic, Wereke, chaya, napal, Guazima, Guarumbo. For a... -
Ajo King Prostata
$17.99Uses: Can help improve and relieve prostate inflammation; Pain when urinating; Drip when urinating; Urinary incontinence; Kidneys pain; Premature ejaculation; Sexual impotence; Lack of erection... -
Ajo King- Artritis / Arthritis
$17.99Uses: Food supplement that helps rheumatism, gout, osteoarthritis, uric acid. Helps reduce inflammation that causes arthritis and rheumatism. Complementary for the treatment of gout. Decreases... -
Ajo King- Brain/ Cerebro
$17.99Uses: Auxiliary in listlessness, cerebral weakness, lack of concentration, memory loss, mental exhaustion, anemia and low defenses. Ingredients: Garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, B1, B6, B12, Soy Lecithin... -
Ajo King- Circulacion/ Circulation
$17.99Uses: Food supplement that helps to improve varicose veins, phlebitis, inflammation of the legs, hemorrhoids, varicose ulcers, itching or itching in the legs, bruises, limb pain, venous... -
Ajo King- Colesterol/ Cholesterol
$17.99Uses: Help for high cholesterol, triglycerides, hypertension, risks of heart attack, heart attacks, tachycardia, cardiovascular disease and strengthens the arteries. Ingredients: Garlic, Hawthorn,... -
Ajo King- Gastritis
$17.99Uses: Garlic King Gastritis Colitis, helps heartburn, reflux, gastritis, stomach inflammation, heartburn, ulcers. Ingredients: Garlic, Cuachalalate, Lemon Grass, Oregano, White Mint, and Fenugreek... -
Ajo King- Higado/ Liver
$17.99Uses: Helps detoxify and decongest the liver, reduces liver fat, stimulates bile, bad breath and fatty liver. It can also be used to improve Liver Cirrhosis, Biliary Cirrhosis, Biliary Colic, Liver... -
Ajo King- Kidney / Riñon y Vejiga
$17.99Uses: Helps in waist pain, Grit, waist inflammation, fluid retention, gallstones, prostate problems, urinary infections and back pain. Ingredients: Garlic, Horsetail, Corn Hair, Uva Ursi, Herb of... -
Ajo King- Lungs / Pulmones
$17.99Uses: Helps asthma, respiratory allergies, bronchitis, nasal congestion, chronic cough, sunitis, respiratory infection, lung purifier and strengthens your lungs. Ingredients: Garlic, Echinacea,... -
Ajo King- Presión/ Pressure
$17.99Uses: 100% natural food supplement for high blood pressure, stress, anxiety, anguish, lack of sleep, headache, ringing in the ears, migraines. Ingredients: Garlic, Hawthorn, White Sapote, Mistletoe,...